What is Botox Treatment? Learn With IICAN.

This process is used to remove the unwanted hair from body parts. It is best suited for people with light skin and dark hair types. In this, the laser light is absorbed by melanin present in hair follicles and heats up. This ends up permanently damaging the hair follicle and hair matrix and prevent a new hair to grow every again.

Why it’s done

It is done to get rid of unwanted hair generally from legs, lips, chin except for eyelids and tattooed skin. A fundamentally accepted principle is that only the follicle should absorb the light and not the skin, thus it is best suited in those who have a contrast between hair and skin colour.


Although these vary with variations in skin type, hair colour and various things but the

common side effects are given below:

  • Skin irritation: Redness, swelling and temporary discomfort in the location.
  • Pigment changes: Your affected skin may get permanent or temporary colour changes.
  • In some cases, it can cause scarring, crusting or blistering in the skin composition. There are also slight chances of your treated hair colour changing to grey.

How to prepare

Before going for a laser hair removal, always schedule a session with the patient. In this session you will

  • Go through your medical history including information like medications, any skin disorders or past hair removal sessions.
  • Discuss the potential risks, benefits and expectations
  • May click photos for the before-and-after ads and reviews.

There are some common instructions for those going through the laser treatment such as

  • Staying out of the sun: Always follow the doctor’s advice and never expose your skin to the sun before and after the treatment.
  • Lightening your skin: avoid applying any cream which may darken your skin.
  • Avoid any other hair removal methods after this, even plucking is not allowed for at least 4 weeks.
  • Avoiding blood-thinning medications: Always inform and take guidance from your doctor that which medicines should not be taken before the procedure.
  • Shaving treatment area: One should trim and shave one day just before receiving the laser treatment

What to expect:

This process commonly requires two to 8 sessions. The gaps among the sessions will vary depending on the body part. In areas where hair grows speedy, the treatment might be repeated in 4 to 8 weeks. In areas of gradual hair growth, consisting of the lower back, the treatment might be every 12 to 16 weeks.

During every session, you’ll wear unique goggles to save your eyelids from the laser beam. An assistant will shave the affected area once more if found to be necessary Doctor may apply a gel to protect patient from any potential damage or discomfort by laser.

The timing of the session depends upon the body part, if it is a small area then 15 to 20 minutes are enough, otherwise, it may take up to 1 hour.

After the procedure

To lessen any soreness, apply ice to the treated area. If the patient gets affected with a skin reaction right away after laser hair treatment, then steroid cream may be applied in the affected body part to reduce the effect.

After the treatment and between the scheduled sessions, patient should keep himself away from exposure to sunlight and stop using a tanning bed for around 6 weeks or as directed by the doctor. He/She should apply a broad-spectrum SPF30 sunscreen daily


Hairs do not fall out right away, but eventually, get shed over days to weeks. The repeated treatments are usually important because hair growth and loss arise in a cycle, and laser treatment is helpful against the hair follicles in the new­ growth phase. Results range substantially and are hard to predict. Most people experience hair elimination that lasts numerous months, and it’d final for years. But laser hair removal would not guarantee everlasting hair removal. When hair regrows, it’s normally finer and lighter in colour. Maintenance treatment sessions might also be required for this.